
New Technology to Help You Prepare for an Earthquake

The summer of 2016 has already seen a number of small earthquakes here in British Columbia. In fact, according to Earthquake Track, British Columbia has experienced 43 earthquakes in the past month alone! Some of these have been talked about more than others—like the recent 3.2 magnitude earthquake near Coquitlam, BC.

Other, smaller earthquakes have gone mostly unnoticed by the general populace. But the fact remains that earthquakes are a regular occurrence. They’re not going anywhere. And that’s why it’s important to think ahead and prepare for what is surely inevitable.

Whether the ‘Big One’ happens in your lifetime or happens later on in the life of your child or grandchild, you’ll want to be prepared and pass on what you’ve learned to your loved ones to keep them safe.

With all the buzz, lately, about the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the rising probability of the “big one” being overdue here in the Pacific Northwest, being prepared is no joke. In June 2015, more than 20,000 people were involved in a disaster drill that represented various federal agencies, the US military, and state and local emergency response managers across the Pacific Northwest and including British Columbia.

The first EEWS sensor being deployed on the Cascadia Subduction Zone.
Photo from Ocean Networks Canada. Click the image to read the story of the sensors deployment!

Right here in Victoria, scientists have built and placed the first early warning earthquake sensor along Vancouver Island’s seabed—called a Titan acceleromoter sensor. Three out of eight offshore sensors have been installed along the fault at depths of more than 800 metres, and one has already been hooked up to start providing data.

This is the first network of early warning sensors to be installed offshore, anywhere in the world! And with data already being analyzed by Ocean Networks Canada at the University of Victoria, scientists are considering an app that delivers emergency information via peoples’ phones. At this point, the ability to provide warning ahead of a major earthquake is not possible, however with in-home sensors like the Quake Alarm, some warning can be given before the intense shaking reaches your home.

Here at Total Prepare we eagerly await the completion of the entire sensor network, which should allow almost instantaneous warning of looming earthquakes.

Until then, it’s best to think ahead as far as we can, so get your 2-week earthquake kit today and get prepared!


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