Earthquake Preparedness Guides

Earthquake Preparedness Guides:

The guides below open on the source websites.

Earthquake and Tsunami Smart Manual

Earthquake and Tsunami Smart Manual

The Great British Columbia ShakeOut

7 Ways to 7 Days – District of Saanich

Prepare Yourself, A Guide to Emergency Preparedness in the Capital Region

North Shore Emergency Management Office – Emergency Kits & Supplies

Are you prepared for an earthquake in Vancouver?

Earthquake Preparedness from Emergency Management BC

Prepare Now for an Earthquake in British Columbia
A guide for BC families and individuals to be prepared for an earthquake.

Be Ready for an Earthquake
Tips on earthquake safety and preparedness.

Earthquake Survival Guide
A handy, perhaps life-saving reminder of what to do to prepare for an earthquake. For carrying in your wallet, purse, glove compartment…. wherever!

Emergency Contact Card
Record particulars of your out-of-area contact person to be called by family members following a major emergency, when telephone communication should be limited.

Earthquakes – What To Do?
Information to help you and your family prepare for an earthquake.

Emergency Preparedness Guides below provided by


Emergency Preparedness Guide

Your Emergency Preparedness Guide

Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness

Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness

People with disabilities

Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities/Special Needs


Emergency Preparedness for Children